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font store造句

"font store"是什么意思  
  • Mac word-processing applications used fonts stored in the computer.
  • The xlsfonts program prints the list of fonts stored in the server.
  • Fonts stored in a user's ~ / Library / Fonts folder are available to only that user.
  • It is free, and it is possible to instruct a webbrowser to use fonts stored on the webserver.
  • Mac OS 9 applications running in the Classic Environment can only access fonts stored in the Fonts folder in the Mac OS 9 system folder.
  • The Atari ST family of computers contained this font stored in ROM in three sizes; as an 8?6 pixels-per-character font used in the high-resolution graphics modes, as an 8? pixels-per-character font used in the low-and medium-resolution graphics modes, and as a 6? pixels-per-character font used for icon labels in any graphics mode.
  • It's difficult to see font store in a sentence. 用font store造句挺难的
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